Digitally designed, milled PMMA Provisional restorations provide a duplicate of the esthetics/function that were established in the Digital Diagnostic Wax-up. The provisional is the intra-oral, trial restorative therapy that will allow the patient to see, feel and experience the expected changes that will be duplicated in the final restorations. Prelude Digital Provisional Restorations, are milled from industrially processed, double-crossed linked PMMA, to ensure high strength, and minimal porosity and monomer. Esthetically, these restorations have intrinsic layering of dentin and enamel within the milling disk, and are custom stained and glazed to simulate esthetic look of final ceramic restorations.
PRELUDE Provisional restorations are offered in two styles:
- Created from your Intra Oral Scan, or PVS impression, to fit actual preparations.
- Created from your Intra Oral Scan, of PVS impression, as a “shell design”, that is relined at the time of tooth preparation.